Monday, November 21, 2005

Carriese part 3

Still more Carrie-isms:

Nofuks! = snowflakes! (I haven't laughed that hard in a loooong time....)

Carrie: What you doing Mama?
Carrie: What you doing Mama?
Carrie: What you doing Mama?
Mama: I'm ignoring you.
Carrie: What you doing Mama?
Carrie: What you doing?
Carrie: What you doing Mama?
*there is just no fazing this girl....*

On banana bread: "I so happy to see my de-nana bet! I so 'cited see my de-nana bet!"

Liam is doing well too. We're having Thanksgiving here and are really looking forward to playing Pass The Baby. Care Bear will definitely thrive on all the attention and maybe our ears will get a break from the Toddler Repetition Game! Safe travels to all & a blessed Thanksgiving in case I don't get more posting done before then!

In a Christmas outfit from Marty Borland =) Posted by Picasa

She wears this hat every day now, along with more than just that necklace *sigh* Posted by Picasa

First tummy time Posted by Picasa

Care Bear, supervising tummy time Posted by Picasa

What in tarnation am I supposed to do with THIS thing?! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Carriese part 2

So many of you seemed to enjoy the first list of Carriese that I thought you'd like another one.

On syrup: My gi-toes guk... my FINGOES guk! = my fingers stuck

Tune on mooget? = Turn on music?

Moggin & Hedoo (or Hewoo sometimes) = Megan & Andrew

On Liam's hair swirl: Him has hole in head!

I wike Biwwy Dough = I like Billy Joel

I can't dance in my chair!

On catalog shopping: I wike neck-ses et wings et boots et shoes. = I like necklaces and rings and boots and shoes.

On strange noises: Whas dat?... Whas dat ah-gain? = What's that? What's that again?

Can you recognize this song? "Geedoo, geedoo widdle tahw, I wondu watchu awww" =)

And a conversation a few days ago:
Carrie: Mama's funny.
Dada: Mama's beautiful.
Carrie: Mama's funny.
Dada: Don't you think Mama's beautiful too?
Carrie: No.

She can recognize Joe Paterno when his picture pops up on TV. I could hear her clear upstairs, "Yay JoePa!" And now she follows Dao/Noah's lead with "Go Bucks!" too. Hehe!

I'm sure there's more, but that's what I'd scribbled down to make sure I wouldn't forget. Happy birthday to Grandmama and have a wonderful week everyone. Go Steelers!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

My camera threw up

Okay, not really. But I figure I'll let the pictures speak for themselves instead of typing out what everyone can already see. Without further ado, here are the packing, moving, visiting grandparents, last few pregnant days, and the birth of Liam pictures. The ones of me in the coral colored Tshirt w/ Care Bear kissing my belly were taken before we left for the hospital. He was born just a few hours later. I think that's all you need to know... so I'll hush and let you enjoy! =)

"Dude, where's my stuff?" Posted by Picasa

"I helping!" Posted by Picasa

Carrie packing herself up for the move Posted by Picasa

All the grandparents Posted by Picasa

Couch diva Carrie Posted by Picasa

Whatchoodoing, Nana??? Posted by Picasa

Aunt Lisa, Mama and Care Bear Posted by Picasa

Care Bear with "Moggin" and "Hedo" Posted by Picasa

playing in the cupboards at Home Depot Posted by Picasa

helping Mark put stuff back together Posted by Picasa

I moved too... see my sticker? Posted by Picasa

Belly kisses Posted by Picasa

Wooden shoes that Dada bought on his trip to Germany before the move Posted by Picasa

Big tower! Posted by Picasa

Huggin' her baby good night Posted by Picasa

Eskimo kisses for the baby Posted by Picasa

Small son Posted by Picasa

MInutes old and mad as heck Posted by Picasa

Dada, Liam, Christa and Wendy Posted by Picasa

Dada love Posted by Picasa