Sunday, July 31, 2011

What have we been up to?

Oh, a little of this.

(Yes, that's a plastic frog.)

And a little of that.

And a little more of that, cuz it's fun.

Aiiiiie, a Transformer! Oh wait, that's just Liam. Back to Making Mess...

And a little of... oh, you get the idea.

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Godzilla vs. Demolition Damon

"Oh, you're not so scary, Mr. Godzilla..."

"See? I got your noooooooooose, I got your noooooooooooooooose!"

"Who's yo' Daddy?"

"Yeah, that's right. Take that. I win."

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Look what you've been missing

Is he not the cutest little bug ever or what? Just chillin' with Gus and Sir Prance A Lot. This was in May. MAY!

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Crossing fingers and holding my breath

Okay, gonna test this whole picture thing again. I can see them, so let's see if you can. Here is a picture of some camp friends:

Here is a beautiful Jen sighting:

Here are boys being boys in the woods:

And here is Triskal in her summer 'do, romping around the woods. She didn't move all day today because she was so tuckered out from the creek hike yesterday! And she only got up to go for a walk with our neighbors, hehe!

Now, lemme know if you can see them! =D

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Houston, we have drop off...

It's official. That Carrie kid has been dropped off at camp for a week of Owl Patrol madness. I think we could probably leave that kid there for the rest of the summer and she'd have the time of her life. I think she was relieved when I left. Her uncle Kelly had been directing there last week, and now everyone knows that she's the niece of that legend. Hehe! I told her I'd pick her up at Thanksgiving and she said, "yay!" and then she looked disappointed when I told her I was only kidding. Cheers to a week that is, and I quote, "oh yeah... it is going to be awesome." =)

Hootie hoo, indeed!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Miz Grinch

Hello all. It's Miz Grinch again. I mentioned on Facebook that I never got around to my spring cleaning. The comments ranged from, "I never do it" to "I've been doing it forever and it never amounts to anything" to everything in between.

I just finished, JUST finished, spring cleaning my car. I broke out the Armor-all wipes, the leather wipes, had the car seats and booster seats out, scrubbed and wiped and Windexed and everything. Pepe the Pilot had just been to the Honda dealer to have a tow package installed (so we can cart bikes around as soon as we get a bike rack) and they washed his outside. Now he's squeaky clean on the inside as well. I had probably three grocery bags worth of garbage and the equivalent of a junior Frosty decorating Pepe's insides. I am a mess. I am hot, sticky, sandy, and my hair is sticking out like a magic dandelion. I'm sure I even am coated in donut crumbs as well, thanks to my wonderful husband and our many treks to Duck Donuts at the Outer Banks, which I know I haven't blogged about yet. Yoi!

All that to say this: since I just finished spring cleaning my CAR, which is much much smaller than our house, and since I haven't gotten to our HOUSE and we've been here and there and everywhere, and it's not showing any signs of slowing down, Christmas is cancelled. (Sorry, Mommee, for that incredible run-on sentence. I have no idea how you'd diagram that one...) Yes, we've decided.

Christmas IN JULY has been cancelled this year because 1) the house, as I've mentioned, is nowhere near ready and 2) we are running out of July. We'll be out of town next weekend and then the very last weekend of July we still won't be here, probably because we'll be coming back. ;) So, so sorry to anyone who was holding out hope of Lori's cheesecake and icicle lights in tents and sangria and Triskal fawning all over everyone and camping out in the yard... we just don't have the energy to do it this year. Sorry all!

I know. I can't believe I just cancelled Christmas.

But my car is clean now. Yippppppppiiiiiiiiiiiie!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Craziness and stats

Sorry for the radio silence... we've been super busy! We had over a week at the Outer Banks followed by Liam spending a few days with his grandparents, a zoo trip, then a graduation party, then recovering from vacation... *insert laundry swishing sounds here* and I haven't even looked at the pictures yet. VBS is this week and PaPa is here, so hopefully there will be some time to process everything else. In the meantime, why don't you head over to Dooce and read all about her trip to Bangladesh with Christy Turlington and the amazing things that are happening there. I apologize in advance for skipped words or repeating of myself because everyone here is chattering simultaneously. *insert fingers into ears and rolling of eyes* Have a great week!

PS Damon has his 1 year appt w/ Dr. Jon the day we left for the beach. He got a slew of vaccinations, weighed in at 21 pounds 13 ounces, and is 31 inches long. Dr. Jon said he was perfect. He is Army crawling and regular crawling, starting to pull himself to his knees, and has 5 teeth. We are so crazy about him. Now he's snookering bananas from PaPa's breakfast and is so pleased with himself!