Sunday, April 30, 2006


=( In getting rid of the dots (I was tired of them), I managed to poof my Links section. So now I'm trying to figure out how to get them back in there. Important advice to bloggers... keep a handwritten/printed list of your edits when you're doing this so you know how to get them back once you've undone them! =( Wah!!!

Hot diggety! I managed to get the "Links" over there... just gotta figure out how to actually get them to click to elsewhere. Weeeeeee!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Another PS

New link to our friends' adoption of their little girl. Check out The Cady Chase, above =D

Come on Dada. Share your drink! There's fruit in there! That's good stuff for me. And ice cream. Dada? Dada? Come on, just a little taste... Posted by Picasa

Man, he's still not sharing! Posted by Picasa

Showing off his chops... Posted by Picasa

We clean up pretty nice! Grandma Barb babysat so we could have a kid-free dinner Posted by Picasa

At church last Sunday Posted by Picasa

10 Days...

Ten days left until Care Bear leaves the Terrible Two's (yeah, right) and becomes our big three year old. I can't believe it is almost here already. And at the same time it seems like we've had her for 20 years. I brought the Quote Board down here with me, so here's the latest Carriese:

Mmmmm. Dewicious. Dewicious! Dewicious. I don't wike it. I don't wike it.- Carrie on calzones (she's not my kid then, right, MAS?)

Mama: I like to eat noodles with you.
Carrie: I wike to eat noodles wif you too. It's my favorite of foods!

Is dis book for everybody? Is dis book for one-body? -Carrie on the Bartender's Bible =/

*singing* I'm washing my face wif spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit... I'm washing my face wif spiiiiiiiiiiiiiit... (can I kill her now?)

*also singing* A hambuwgew like meeeeeeeeeeee (sung to "Oh Santa" by Larry the Cucumber of Veggie Tales. It's supposed to be "a cucumber like meeeeeeeeee")

*singing again, sense a trend here?* Idiot bug song, idiot bug song... (the words are "itty bitty bug song, itty bitty bug song" to one of the Maisy cartoons)

I'd told her I had a Jello with her name on it for her when she finished her meal. Here's her reply: I don't want my Jewo wif my name on it. I full wight now.

Think that's about it. We had Liam into the doctor's office yesterday after he threw up phlegm Thursday night. Ears are fine, just a very bad cold. He's much more cheerful today like his old self. Not right this second though, as Dada is suctioning more crap out of his nose, but overall! He's on the floor right now staring at the musical bee aunt Sharon bought when Care Bear was a baby. He can roll from his back to his tummy on his left side now- so big! =/ Both kids go in to the doctor's again next month, so I'll be sure to post weights, etc. after that. He's not too far behind Carrie, I am quite sure. He's in size 3 diapers already & they're tight around his chops! I'm sure he could quite comfortably fit into Care Bear's size 4 ones. Eep!

Dada is home for the weekend- yippie! Triskal passed puppy obedience class. In a few Saturdays we'll start The Young and the Restless class with her, which is a 6 week program that promotes more listening skills, agility, etc. It's my break from the kids!

Think I have some pictures to add, so I'll get busy on that. Have a great weekend, and congrats to our friends Tim and Amanda on baby Alexandra being born April 22! Baby boom! Anyone know if Bob & Caley have had theirs yet too?

Take care!!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

And a PS

Technical questions. Skip this section if you're clueless like me ;)

Does anyone know (and would be willing to email me a very detailed, step-by-step how-to that I could in turn pass along) how to save blogs to hard copy? Both grandmothers, among others, have been asking how to do it and I have no idea. I'd also like a hard copy of my own blog! Please, please teach me how to do this. Anyone?

And while you're at it, please clue me in on how I can get this dratted Links section over into my sidebar instead of at the top of the page. It looks so tacky there! Grrrr!

More kudos to anyone who is willing to help!

Kudos... the amazing Gombai clan ;) Thank you for a wonderful party yesterday! Yes, we made it home safe. Late, but safe. Next time we'll stay! =) It was super to see everyone. Alas, the camera didn't make it out of the diaper bag, so check out the Gombas clan link above for Sharon's pictures that I'm sure she'll post when she can. Hehe. And don't hound her about it!

And kudos to Meredith on running the entire Boston marathon! Way to go, girl. Her link is the This Runner's World one, also above. Makes me wanna get in shape. Almost. ;)

Kudos to Grandma Barb who helped us out this week while Dada was in Atlanta. Hope you had a safe trip home.

And still more kudos to all the wives who helped their husbands get dressed today because they were too sore/tired/cramped/old to do it themselves after all the football and basketball yesterday at the party. Hope you fellas all know how blessed you are to have them. And those of you who don't, here is a section from Hezekiah:

And the LORD in His wisdom created roommates to help those who had no wives. And the LORD saw that it was good. Roommates can help those who cranogle their knees or breaketh their collarbones. As it sayeth in the Scriptures:

If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

So kudos to roomies too! Hehe.

As for the rest of us, 3 of We4 are getting over or going through various stages of cough/stuffy noses/ losing voices. Sadly, the Mama is the one losing the voice, and not the Care Bear. Life isn't always fair ;)

Anyway, have a wonderful week of Springtime! Get out there and enjoy those dandelions!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Easter and other stuff

*sigh* Behind again...

Happy belated birthdays to Meredith and baby Aiden (see both their blogs, above). Hope your days were super!

Congrats to Todd & Joy on baby Seth Michael's safe arrival last Saturday. Yippie! He's a cutie pie and we hope to see you all sometime soon. I still don't know where you put him, Joy. ;)

Grandmama was here over Easter weekend, so you can thank her for the pictures of the whole fam on Easter morning. =) Grandma Barb is here now, so I'm running more errands kid-less and getting closets organized, etc. Plus enjoying much more outside time since the weather's finally decided to stay springy. Of course we're all fighting colds. Eh.

Care Bear is getting taller than ever, and more ornery. Cross your fingers that she'll make it to see three. Grrrr. Liam is getting bigger in all directions, and though his eyes look as dark as Carrie's in these pictures, they really are hazel. So use your imagination and color them gray, green, blue, or brown according to your mood ;)

Have a great Spring, sorry I'm perpetually behind, and know that we miss all y'all and think of you often! No Carriese today off the top of my head, but the quote board is filling up nicely! Love you all! xoxoxooxox

Trying so hard to roll over. If he'd just get that bottom elbow out of the way.... Posted by Picasa

Eating that stuffed ladybug again Posted by Picasa

So, Liam, whaddaya think of rice cereal? Posted by Picasa

That jean jacket girl again! Posted by Picasa

Enough, Mama. You don't need any more to drink. It's my turn! Posted by Picasa

Hey, you didn't share that popsicle! Posted by Picasa

He likes to stroke Dada's goatee Posted by Picasa

Did someone have too much to drink? Hehehe! Posted by Picasa

New summer hat for Liam Posted by Picasa

He's growing so big! I think the caterpillar is 24 inches of plush. Posted by Picasa

Along came a caterpillar which sat down beside him... eh, there's no frightening our Liam. He has to deal with hourly lickings from Triskal... Posted by Picasa

Beaming at Grandmama Posted by Picasa

Grandmama with her lap full Posted by Picasa

Care Bear preparing for the first bike ride of the season Posted by Picasa

Dude, where's MY bike? Posted by Picasa

Triskal vs filing cabinet... Posted by Picasa

We4, headed for church Posted by Picasa

Care Bear opening Easter "ogs" from Grandmama Posted by Picasa

The girls on Easter 2006 Posted by Picasa

What's an Easter egg? Posted by Picasa