You know Spring is almost here when it's concert time. Liam's shindig was the same day as Damon's field trip, naturally, so after we rested up we headed back to school. Liam found his cat right away:
I don't mean to criticize, but I am puzzled at the huge differences between the school system we're in now and our previous one. At the old school, attendance and participation in concerts were (was? Mommee?) mandatory and you had to supply an excuse if you weren't going to show.
This school sent home a reminder about the evening and you were to return the bottom portion if you WERE going to show up. I know they were counting heads for the ice cream social side of things, but really?
It became more clear when we asked Liam if he knew the words to all his songs.
"Song. You said songs. There's only one."
So this is Damon, surveying the scene...
And this is Carrie, mulling over the fact that we're back at school and had to park at the strip mall and walk over for one song. One. Song.
It was a nice treat to hear the high school's swing band playing between elementary classes, though. They sounded great!
Liam spotted us right away. There were kids on the stage, and the ones on the floor like him were to perform inventive percussion using their bodies. I'm sure he'd be happy to demonstrate if you ask him about it.
Sadly, none of our raffle tickets that we entered to win (the ice cream supply basket, naturally, or the minion family movie night basket, for those of you keeping score) were chosen by the powers that be. But our soft serve with toppings was yummy, we bought a slice of triple chocolate cake for Dada, who hadn't made it home from his week in Miami yet, and we saw some of the same adults we'd seen earlier on our field trip, haha. I even got in a quick chat with Liam's teacher, whom I really like and admire.
And now we know better what to expect from concert night.
And ice cream!