Thursday, September 10, 2009


I'm not sure how this conversation even started but Care Bear and I ended up talking about Santa Claus and she wanted to know if he was from Earth. I told her that yes, the North Pole is on Earth. She said she wanted to go visit the North Pole and see Santa. I told her that you don't get to see Santa, that he comes to YOUR house, but only when you're sleeping. Then I said how he works all year, and wondered out loud if he got to go on vacation. (Can you tell my mouth is operating without any connection to my brain? I'm folding the laundry!) She informed me that yes, he does, on Halloween. He dresses up. But his dwarves go naked. I told HER that they're ELVES and that they most certainly do not Trick or Treat naked.

What in the world!?


Dave said...

Maybe the elves dress up as naked dwarves?

Val said...

Oh, there you go. Must be what she meant.