Sunday, June 20, 2010

Raised bed gardens, part two, I think?

Things have grown a little bit since the last garden post, dontcha think? Hehe! Here's Liam pointing to carrots and checking out the peas that are taller than him. Carrie's been picking peas every trip outside. She brings them in before breakfast and passes them out. She gets more in the afternoon. Then after we've all eaten and had dessert, she thinks it's a good idea to pick some more. Wonder if there is an OCD gene we should have her checked for... 0=) It's been a lot of fun watching the kids get excited about growing things. Dada is constantly sneaking out there too to reposition plants and pick peas and fiddle with cucumber leaves, etc. Who knew we'd have so much fun with seeds and dirt?



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1 comment:

Columbia said...

Wow! That's amazing! When's dinner? :D