Saturday, September 04, 2010


What do you get when you combine the following random objects?

A stock pot lid
A long handled plastic spoon
Bicycle/rollerblading helmet, pads, and gloves
A pair of handcuffs

Think about it. I'll be back later with the answer!


JC said...

uh oh... it better be Care Bear's rendition of her Halloween costume or I think she had other plans for those handcuffs! Hehe - that girl kills me!

Columbia said...

Well, I'd assume that the lid is really a sheild -- and any respecting knight isn't going to let their lid get away from them, so the handcuffs keep it secured to said knight's hand. The spoon? A sword, of course. And the bike-wear? Well, that could be one of two likely scenarios: play-armor or... well, a bike. Shoulda cuffed the horse to something in retrospect. :D