Thursday, February 07, 2013

Because the first time wasn't fun enough (AKA the gift that keeps on giving)

No, I'm not talking about stomach flu, thankfully. However, Care Bear will be staying home from school today because she's on her second round of pink eye. Did you hear my sigh from wherever you are? This is the fourth case in our house. She had it at the same time Damon had it. Then Liam got it. Now she is down for the count again. Alas, it hasn't affected her mouth, which is firing questions about Harry Potter and the basilisk at me. And this is all pre-coffee. 

Will I get to blog about anything other than cold and germs ever again?

If my life were a song, it'd undoubtedly be Jimmy Buffett's "Boat Drinks" where he talks about shooting holes in his freezer because of cabin fever and has to go somewhere warm!

It's allllllllllllllmost the weekend...

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