Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring concert 2013

Hehehehehe, this is me whispering. I love that this picture makes her look like she has alien antennae. *insert silly sci-fi music here* (They are actually the handles to open the pantry doors behind her.)

Our cute concert girl and her new kicks...

Dada's girls, minus the fuzzy one...

Carrie is just to the left of her principal, front row. Remember that you can click on any picture to see a larger version of it.

This is NOT what Liam thought of the music, which he liked. This is just him showing off for the camera. Damon also loved it. We didn't hear a peep from him through the entire concert, where he sat in his jammies in his stroller. Elmo, on the other hand, had a dancing fit during the Tchaikovsky number, inducing a giggling fit in Carrie onstage.

The fourth grade did a selection from the classical composers. They covered Tchaikovsky, Brahms, Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, and Bach. It wasn't the most lively concert we've been to, but it was well done and we could tell the kids worked very hard. It paid off!

There's Carrie and her handsome friend John. They've been good friends for many years and we get a kick out of hearing stories involving these two. ;)
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Sherri said...

At first I thought to myself, "how did they get her hair to do that???" Then of course I looked a little closer and realized it was the handles to the cabinet...

Val said...

Hehehee! It gotcha!