Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Eh heh. I said 'eh heh'."

Yesterday after all the kids were home from school, and we represent three different ones now- yoi, Damon had the blues about something or other. In an attempt to cheer him up, I started the following conversation.

"Do you know what I had to do all by myself today?"


"I had to get groceries all by myself. I kept saying, "Damon, could you put- oh, never mind. You're at preschool." "Damon, could you please get a box of- oh, you're not here." "Damon, could you hand me a- oh, that's right. You're having fun at school." "

Carrie, who'd been listening the whole time, tilted her head in pity and was about to add an, "aww, poor-" but she didn't get it in in time.

Damon, that precious little darling, started to smile, looked at me, and said, "Ha ha."


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