Wednesday, November 04, 2015

October posts in November

Yes, I am behind again. These were shots I managed to take in the not-quite-middle of October. Judging from the light, I cheated and got them after school instead of before, hehe!

"I'm on the East side, I'm on the West side, I'm on the East side..."

Liam's favorite fall tree, and a humungazoid bird overhead...

Not being a farmer, I can't say for sure, but I'm thinking we're way behind on rain. We did have some gusty wind last week and lost a lot of leaves, except for the stubborn old oak trees out front who just will not let go until they're good and ready.

The osage orange tree out back is still green-going-on-gold, but the walnuts are done and the locusts are mostly done. We don't have any of those fancy red bushes, but they are gorgeous all over town!

Thingz One and Three have been fighting off and through colds (Carrie sounds like Jeremy Lineman used to, hacking her brains out) but they're on the mend and nobody had any fevers so no school was missed. 

Liam had his appointment with Dr. Jon, who reported Liam's gain of 2 pounds and an inch and a half in the last 6 months. Whoohoo! I think he only grew straight up. 

Which is timely, as I just inherited boxes for both boys from Zita. Owen will have incoming directly, haha!

Now to process all the birthday boy's photos for the next post... to be continued... 

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