Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Stormy S'mores, Continued

So I'd mentioned that when this crew was here

that it had stormed on our s'mores. Then the computer and camera drive decided to become like junior high girls and not speak to each other... my pictures were stuck on the camera but are unstuck and uploaded now, so here's the rest of what that evening looked like:

That little "bug" in the above picture is actually one of our most-welcome bats, who helps keep our mosquito population way lower. We cheer when we see him and his friends come out around sunset. 

The owls have been squawking to each other out back lately. We don't hear the hooting songs, but we do hear a lot of "scraaaaawk!" and "screeeeek!" though we never seem to see them. According to my bird identification app on my phone, those are female calls. Guess they have a lot to talk about just like my Lisa and I. 

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