Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Aiiiiiiieeeee, it's May!

You know those days where you have a plan and are all set to accomplish everything you think you need to do for that day? You know how those days never seem to work out so that you do actually accomplish said plan?

Today is that day. 

I had in mind that I would accomplish more of this:

The above picture is about a day and a half of wallpaper removal. First of all, why is there even wallpaper? Why not just hand people Sharpies and let them go to town and then paint over it, again and again, around and around we go?

And secondly, why is there wallpaper again?

After shunting all 3Thingz out the door to school, I tackled the dishwasher and the dishes that needed washed by hand. They'd been sitting around since Saturday's party for Carrie. Objects like both crock pots. Don't judge. They were soaking.  And I threw in a load of laundry. And crossed my fingers that the trash wouldn't get blown to kingdom come. Then I left the house. 

 After breakfast out with my girl Zita which was then followed by a trip to Panera for gift cards, I came home to an unscheduled game of 52 Pick Up:

Drat that Ohio wind. I realize we are not the only people who experience this problem. However, I am a rather rabid recycler, which means our bin is almost always 2/3 full or we don't even put it out. So when we DO put it out and the wind is coming from the north or the east out of Mordor, I tend to scream, "are you even kidding me?!" which usually leads into  bad words.

During my impromptu Trash Bash, a dump truck sped along at at least the 50 mph that marks our road and knocked the bin over again while I was right there, I confess I didn't fully appreciate the tiny wildflowers that are dotting our field of dreams mud. I was more worried about sinking, like Atreyu's horse in "The Never Ending Story."

After yanking the recycling bin back down the driveway, still full, and putting it in time out until next week and then stomping my way back inside, I transferred the laundry to the dryer, loaded up my teacher appreciation basket and headed back out. I dropped that off at the school and then continued on to Walmart with its assorted fun and games. 

Now I'm finally home, the groceries are unloaded and the laundry is folded and put away, but the kids are already on the bus en route home and I haven't even started on the rest of the wallpaper:

And somebody is pouting that I never play with him. He's also ticked because he's been sequestered to one room (as he eats everything including wallpaper adhesive) though it happens to be the room where I'll be working next...

Not that it's all about me, but if the Second Coming were to happen anytime soon, it had better be sometime other than in May! 

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