Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Final stops on the way home

Sunday brought visits with friends. In the morning we met up with friends I've had since seventh grade. We used to sing together in choir all through high school. Mar was in our wedding, and she now has a spunky daughter who is as close to exactly like her as possible, haha! Even though I haven't seen Mike since graduation, we picked right up where we left off and it was just like we hadn't missed any time in between. I have THE best tribe.

Much closer to home, we had ice cream (of course) with our camp friends, Tom and Stacy, and their lovely daughters. They'd stopped through last summer when I was doing chemo and had no hair. These sweet girls have been praying for me for a long time, and it was so nice to be able to hug them and thank them and their terrific parents! They've had six weeks of adventures out West and were also headed home but managed to squeeze us into their schedule. 

Yes, we are missing a child. Damon is spending the week with Pap- you didn't miscount. 

And continuing with the lovely sunsets, even in Ohio:


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