Tuesday, July 28, 2020

After the rain

We got some actual rain yesterday, which Honey wasn't happy about as she despises thunder and heavy downpours, but everybody in the garden was happy about it! Even the Damonater ran around outside barefoot and in his pajamas to experience the puddles and the drips from the trees and the rain itself. No pictures of that, sorry; I was too busy laughing at him to get my phone. You'll just have to use your imagination.

These morning glories always make me think of Grandma Barb as I'd lent her some to keep an eye on and they ended up taking over most of her front landscaping. She loved purple. They make me smile every time I see them.

I replanted peas as they are not hot weather fans. I put some new ones under the usual trellis but these guys think they're in a  race and have taken off running!

We are getting tons of cherry tomatoes, which is the majority of the tomatoes I like anyway (heehee) and while we have humungous "real" tomatoes, they're not blushing yet. Our Brandywines, Cherokee Purples, and Allegheny Sunsets are stubbornly green. I really hope they don't all decide to ripen at the exact same time!

I sent a picture of this to Muggin with the caption "es-ca-pay!" He's completely a free-range tomato plant; I didn't plant him, and I sure don't know where he thinks he's going!

Cheerful, Thumbelina zinnias who decided to all bloom en masse. They took forever to open this year!

There's a basil in there for comparison and you can see that some of those tomato plants are taller than me!

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