Thursday, December 17, 2020

A glacier unaffected by climate change

 She looks tiny here, but Honey, our Great Pyrenees, unfailingly picks the worst possible spot in which to hang out. Here she's blocking the way from the fridge to the garage hall and the library behind her. Usually the baby gate is there to keep both dogs out of the kitchen. Then she decides she wants to be right beside the gate, until anyone makes any more towards it, potentially knocking it over with an almighty clatter that scares the almighty stuffing right out of everybody in the vicinity. Even though I have never whacked her with the gate, intentionally or otherwise, she jumps up like she's been shocked any time I am close enough to reach for it. Perhaps we should have changed her name to Skitter.

Another of her favorite spots is the walnut floor of the library, just inside the two steps down into the room. "Just inside" means, in this case, with her head on the bottom step and generally her body diagonally so that you have to step over her while holding food. Strategic, methinks...

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