Monday, March 08, 2021

The Mom of the Year once again goes to...

 Anyone but me. Not it.

The shift back to in-person school has been not without challenges. I'm not going to blame or point fingers. I'm just sayin', "it's been a bit tricky."

Initially we'd been told that Mondays would be deep cleaning days and therefore no students were to report. Fine. Block A kids would attend Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Block B kids were to report Thursdays and Fridays. Also fine. I got my planner out, color coded things, assumed I knew what to expect, and off we went.


First week of school the high school announced, "uh, ACTs are scheduled for Tuesday, so um, let's send the Block A kids on Monday and Wednesday." Okiedokie. Sounds reasonable. Very first day of school is now the day before the very first day of school was scheduled. Got it. No problem.

Thing 3 has his gifted class to finagle into things as well. His day to attend is Tuesday. At a different elementary school than where he attends regular school. So he's to take his normal school bus to his school, catch a different one to the other school, do his thing, take two buses home.

The first bus never showed that Tuesday, the ACT day, so I took him straight to the other school after a quick conversation with our office. No problem. It's ten minutes away, no big. It's the first week, there's a new bus driver, there's always wonkiness the first week. 

The rest of the week proceeds fine, the second week seems flawless, time for thinking we've found our groove and...


Teachers are getting their second shots on Friday. This means that the Block A kids will go Monday and Tuesday, Block B kids will go Wednesday and Thursday. Okay, got it. No problem.


There was also an email about the gifted schedule shifting, even though normally that is a Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday schedule, sent on Friday. Guess who didn't check and/or missed the email saying Thing 3 was supposed to report on Monday?

*sigh* That'd be me. Poor kid was up, dressed, had eaten, and had snuggled in to work on his remote stuff when I get a call from the office. It's my sweet friend, all chipper and sympathetic. "Is Damon going to gifted today?" 

Me: ...

Also me: ... um, yep, yep, I can run him over there right now...

*Grabs clothes (since the child is still in pajamas), packs up computer/charger/headphones/snack, grabs keys/wallet/purse/sunglasses*

"Mama, we need masks..."

Yep! Got those too. 

Off we go, deposit said child after apologizing and trying to calm him back down because now he's freaking about the work he's supposed to be doing remotely but can't work on because he'll be in his gifted class. 

Just another example of why everyone needs to take a deep breath and be kind to each other. Maybe his gifted teacher and my sweet office friend both think my brain is full of cornflakes, I know it feels that way sometimes, but we are trying, haha! Be kind to everyone you meet- they may be having a cornflake morning!

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