Sunday, August 08, 2021

Summer smorgasbord

I guess this qualifies as late summer, sad as it makes me to type that. It was an incredibly more normal summer than 2020, for sure. We did our usual haunts like our favorite ice cream parlors and the Outer Banks, as well as trying new things like making the baseball team, ordering from the flower fundraiser, and coping with Dada's affinity for auctions and estate sales. *insert coughing fit here* 
Soon it will be time for more new things like sixth and tenth grade, and for the new graduate, not getting up while it's dark to take the bus to school. But in the meantime we intend to enjoy the deck, the garden, hopefully the city pool, and more ice cream while squeezing every possible drop out of summer.

Here are some samplings from this summer.

Damon, which when spelled backwards reads "nomad", holds true to his name as he roams the house in search of the perfect sleeping spot. I never know where I'll find that kid when I make it downstairs in the morning. This time it was quite the nest on our red couch.

School supply lists and related emails are appearing in our inboxes. But back to summer...

I found a small friend who I mistook for a leaf until I noticed his feet. Apparently he's an owlet moth, and he makes me smile. I hope to see more of him and his friends now that I know not every "leaf" is a leaf!

We did our usual "let's go to the fair so we can eat our way through it" evening. I have no illusions. Damon wants the rides, the adults want the food, Liam just wants to be home with whatever book he's immersed in, and the firstborn declined. So we had the hamburgers and the milkshakes and the corn on the cob and the elephant ears and the cotton candy. And we giggled at the baby animals and admired the art and the projects and we people watched. We do it up right. Damon ran into four friends- half from school and half from baseball. Wasn't blisteringly hot, wasn't too windy, wasn't too cold when it got dark, and a special shout out to Liam who bravely got into a Dizzy Dog ride with Damon when neither of us parents would. Dada doesn't do circles, ever, and I rode a Dizzy Dog with him the last time we went. No thank you to a repeat performance. Nice of Liam to take one for the team. Yech.

The buckeye tree seems to be under the impression that it's fall, or perhaps Christmas, and while I'd like to discourage that, I did have to grab a quick picture of it looking lovely. Now cut it out.

And yes, karate is still happening for the firstborn. They hosted their first "normal" graduation this weekend since February of 2020, which meant quite a few of the students had never been to one before at the theater. I'm glad it's been such a family, and as such, there's the usual Shenanigans:

How about you? What are you craving before fall? Where do you want to go before the cold settles in? Who do you want to reconnect with and what do you want to eat before places close for the season? 

Also, anyone need tomatoes? Come on over!


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