Monday, January 03, 2022

A little of this, a little of that

Break has felt like a loooong time to me, perhaps because of the trip to Mexico that we sneaked in, and Damon is lamenting that school starts again this week. "It seems like break was two days!" This is what a snippet of ours looked like. More often than not it was spent on various screens and devices, but we have discovered that the Neanderthal poetry game is every bit as hilarious as it sounds while Kids Against Maturity is a LOT of poop references. We have more games to play, so we'll let you know what we think. So far, all thumbs up for the Neanderthal one, and not just because there is a NO stick for whacking team members with...



Runner Sam I Am said...

I'm guessing the Neanderthal strategy game is a bit different. :-D

Val said...

How fun! I'll have to check it out. Thanks!