Sunday, April 03, 2022

Third child

 Me: Keep that [miniature American flag] out of your mouth. You have no idea where that's been.

Third child: I know it's been in my mouth.

#DontYouSassMe, #ChildsGotSass


Third child and I discuss the various blankets we have around the house, of which there is no shortage. I ask him to bring the blue fuzzy one back up to the big leather chair in the library, as the chair is as old as Liam and looks considerably worse for wear. 

Me: where is the blue blanket?

Third child: it's in the basement on the couch. I like it down there because the other ones are scrudgy. 

Me: Scrudgy?

Third child: Yeah, scrudgy.

So we worked up a definition for our readers:

"Scrudgy- /skrud'-gee/ Adj. Prickly, uncomfortable;

see: wool blankets"

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