Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Party countdown and stuff

She's watching Blue's Clues so I have a few minutes to update. The computer says it's 20 degrees out, but the sun is shining in a cloudless sky so it's beautiful! We've been cleaning a lot and organizing; we're trying to get this place shipshape for the Christmas party. Some folks are showing up Thursday evening, so it will be a fun-filled weekend around here! Still need to clean more, bake more, decorate more, y'know ;)

Care Bear had an upset tummy last night, so she was confined to just the kitchen (ceramic tile floor as opposed to carpet) while she yakked up her spaghetti and chocolate milk. Not pleasant, but she's all sunny this morning and back to her usual self. Must have been something she ate... I almost felt sorry for Scott as he watched her while I got groceries *WINK* We've had surprisingly few times with her sick, so we can't complain! She never complained, just kinda whimpered. Poor little soul.

The Christmas cards are rolling in and shippin' out..... having a great time opening them and drawing on the envelopes. She is in a HUGE crayon stage right now. Wonder how long it'll last- her whole life, we hope! Thanks to everyone who's sent us cards and clothes for Care Bear! =D

Guess I better get back to the cookie end of things. Have a super day!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Check it out Val. Dave got my homepage for my website posted. www.meredithgordonphotography.com