Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Statute of Limitations

So the other morning I notice that Care Bear's bangs are more raggedy looking than usual. I lean in for a closer inspection, and yep, sure enough:

Did you cut your hair?

I didn't do it today!

But did you cut your hair?

I didn't DO it today!

But did you CUT your HAIR?

Not today!

Carrie, did you cut it?

YES, but not TODAY! *starts crying*

Why are you crying? I'm not crying. I'm not yelling. I'm calm. Why are you freaking out?

Because it's not FAIR! I didn't even do it TODAY and I'm getting consequences!


I repeat the conversation (and inflections) to Dada, who cracks up and comments, "like there's a statute of limitations on consequences. 'I didn't do it todaaaaaaaay, why am I getting connnnsequences?!'"

Indeed. Off we go to Great Clips, once again. Can I confiscate her scissors? For life?


Unknown said...

wait, didnt you cut your brothers hair...and your mother cut kay's hair? yep i think sooooo :) love you

Val said...

Dunno about Mom cutting Kay's, but Andrew did his own. He snipped right at the crown of his head, and it grew funny there for a long, long time. I never even cut my Barbie dolls' hair!

Now, spray paint, that's another story...