Monday, September 24, 2018

While under anesthesia... and slightly afterward

Fair warning, faithful blog reading friends and family... this is NOT your lovable, vibrant, enthusiastic, well spoken, English capable Val.  This is her husband, Scott.  I have been given "guest blogging" rights by your normal host.  I will be giving an update on Val's surgery.

My apologies in advance for the lack of witticisms and puns...  That's just not my thing.  I will however attempt to keep you up to date.

I do want to take the opportunity to thank you all for your prayers and support of Val and the family over the past few months.  We are so thankful for you and all you've done to keep us uplifted and supported.  We deeply appreciate your friendships.

We made it here right at 6:30am and got these last couple of pictures before the surgery.  

She did not sleep well last night with concerns and anxiety about the surgery, but her ever present smile persists!

Val was called back in for pre-surgery preparation at 7:0am
I was callled back at 7:40am to support her and wish her well for the surgery.  We had conversations with the nurse, anesthesiologist, and her surgeon.

Blood was drawn at 7:50.

She wants everyone to know that she had a neat ‘magic’ gown that has cooling/heating tubes woven through it so they can adjust her temp as needed throughout the surgery. She also has ‘magic’ socks that pump through the surgery to keep blood flowing and prevent clots.  She feel good with the morning conversations with her medical team and want you all to know she feels covered with prayers.

Please keep the prayers coming.

I left her at 8:20am as she was being wheeled out for surgery.

The board in the waiting room indicated her surgery started at 8:53am.  The dr estimates an hour and a half to an hour and 45 minute surgery.  Then likely an additional 2 hours in recovery before I will be able to see her.

The dr is supposed to come talk to me after he has completed the surgical part.

I’ll keep you posted as I can.



Val said...

Hi all, the Dr. came out and talked to me at 10:20am. The surgery is complete. It went well and he is pleased with how it went.

Two drains were installed. One on each side.

He thinks we’ll schedule a follow up visit for next Tuesday to review drains and get the pathology report.

Thanks for the prayers! Now waiting for recovery time. Looking at about 2 hrs.


Unknown said...

Praying for all of you. I am a friend of Lainie's and have been reading this blog and marveling at her courage and faith, and humor. Thanks for the updates. Linda