Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Black Belt Down

This guest post is brought to you by Grandmama. Sorry, Mom. I'd forgotten about it! This goes along with the post about Carrie passing out in health class...

Black Belt Down (sung to Deck The Halls melody)

Arteries and tributaries.... in our dear health class at Bowling Green.
Veins and tiny capillaries... in our dear health class at Bowling Green.
Have you seen this scary story? You will see injury, referee, 
But it's real, not Halloweeeee--eeen.
Clint the hockey player on the screen.

Carrie is a black belt student... in our dear health class at Bowling Green.
Likes health science when it's prudent... in our dear health class at Bowling Green.
But she's fainting from a flashback- teacher, friends, and the room fade    to    black.
No more sound track for this tall teen- 
On the classroom floor she can be seen.

Notify administration... in our dear health class at Bowling Green.
Walk her to the nurse's station... from our dear health class at Bowling Green.
Should she leave in this condition? Mr. D- her family tree- has syncope!
Listen to her frank admission- "You must understand- it's in my genes!!!!"

-10/27/18 (See? I AM behind...)

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