Monday, November 05, 2018

Happy birthday, pumpkin

It's official. We have two teenagers in the house.

Liam turned 13 very first thing on Halloween. Twenty-one minutes after midnight, in fact. Fitting that he loves yellow leaves, humungous pumpkins, and candy.

His wish list was probably as long as my hand and almost every entry began with "Nerf". While we did oblige him:

He also got something special that we hope will challenge him while increasing his interest in technology. Any guesses as to what it could be? Chris George, no cheating!

It's called a raspberry pi and it has something to do with circuitry and memory cards and other stuff that are in the realm of One of the Languages I Don't Speak. I'm sure my PapPap would have embraced it and been fascinated by it, but this freshly minted teenager is going to have to figure it out with his dad's help and then tutor his old mum. 
Not. It. He was thrilled. His sister knew what it was. 
Kids these days. ;)

And some of the cool loot from the elusive Grandmama, who requested to not be in the pictures:

Liam, you are incredibly creative and zany. We love you bunches. I am constantly amazed at what you can do with Legos and how you coin new words or describe life using out of the ordinary phrases, like "it's fizzing out" for when it's not really raining but everything is still soaked. We love that you look at life differently and that there are also strong similarities between us, your intense hatred of pop-up ads and your equally intense love of Oreos, for example. Congratulations. You survived to become a teenager. 

The next time you wait until the last minute to work on an essay for English class you might not survive it, though. 
Just a heads up. Think of it as Survival Tip 101. 

Survival Tip 100 was Do Not Stamp Your Brother's Bum with the Address Label Stamper Ever Again. But that's another story. 

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