Thursday, April 22, 2021

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Bosley is our sun dog. He follows sun puddles around to flop down into, and his favorite is when I leave the deck door open for the slab of sunshine that spills through. He likes to snooze there and block traffic three ways.

Honey gets too hot, so she prefers the kitchen floor at the intersection with the library and the sunroom, also blocking traffic three ways. The worst part is that she is skittish, so when you're attempting to climb over or around her with your arms full, she succumbs to the sudden urge to stand up to scramble out of the way. One of these days there is going to be a catastrophic mess that Bos will be all too happy to clean up.

And should anyone be contemplating acquiring a Great Pyrenees, one should know that they dig. A fair amount. Wherever they feel like it. Sometimes at the bottom of your deck stairs. Sometimes (often) right beside trees. I think she's part gopher. Then, if you have a Heinz 57, say, they decide to dig furiously in the pre-dug holes any time they pass one. 

These two are part of why we can't have nice things. 

But they're sweet, and they're adorable when they're sleeping, so even though they shed roughly as much as a Golden Retriever, I suppose we'll keep them...

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