Wednesday, February 16, 2022

A clean butt story, I promise

Maybe I watch too much NCIS, for I may be turning into Ducky who has a story for everything. "This poor robe reminds me..."

I mentioned to Liam this morning that he's had this robe for about a year, and that I'm pretty sure it was intact in the pictures here on the blog from last March 9 when he and Damon were having a picnic on the deck. I lamented the sad, sorry state of his robe today, telling him that his bony butt ruined it.

"Ha, Bony Behind- Bane of Clothes. Sounds like a SkyRim boss," is what he quips to me. I'd been teasing him lately, calling him Wind in His Hair like in Dances With Wolves, but I think I prefer Bony Behind- Bane of Clothes...

The story I thought of was from my third summer working at camp, so we're talking 1996. We had some wonderful summer staff from the Czech Republic, one of whom was named Henry. We had a fairly large staff that year- I'm guessing around thirty; we had a lot of those plastic inboxes stacked up inside the dining hall so we could leave each other maintenance requests, encouraging notes, candies, what have you. The staff lounge was in the basement of the dining hall so that a rotating handful of counselors could do morning devotions with the campers upstairs while the rest of us met downstairs for a staff meeting.

We're (mostly) all downstairs, waiting for any stragglers, when we hear a crash from upstairs. Several minutes later, Henry comes in sheepishly and laments, "I had a small accident with the mailboxes."

Bless his heart, he'd knocked some over and was trying, with his English as a second language, to read enough of the notes which spilled out to kingdom come to return them to their proper re-righted mailboxes, guessing where the candies went, and so forth. Poor, sweet guy was so contrite but the confession was so adorable in his accent that we've used that as a code phrase for small disasters ever since. (Henry, wherever you are now, I wish I could give you a huge squeeze and let you know how much we miss and love you! Sorry for throwing you under the bus.)

Hence, Liam has had a small accident with his robe.

It was no match for Bony Behind- Bane of Clothes. 


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