Wednesday, February 09, 2022

The storm arrives

 Y'know that storm that caused mass chaos last week? Our version involved snow more than ice, thank goodness. Still not fun to dig out the driveway, deck, sidewalk to the front porch, and the forlorn fire hydrant. Poor little guy was almost completely buried!

Can you see the rainbow windsock blowing horizontally? 

From "Into the Woods", when Red Riding Hood nervously laments, "Mother told me to never stray from the path" and the baker exclaims, "the path has strayed from you!"

You can't tell because my arms aren't long enough to get all of me in the shot, but I'm knee deep or more in the snow from the road and the drifts. Our mailbox has been knocked off and for all the stomping around that I did, I still can't find it!

Dunes cresting.

That bird looks perturbed. He's some kind of heron and I'm so thankful he held still long enough for me to snap a picture of him pursuing his frozen fish dinner, haha! 

The north facing window in the boys' room.

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