Saturday, September 28, 2024

Itchy-bo-bo-scratchety man

 I told a friend I'd discovered the thrift store where Jessica Rabbit shops, apparently! My goodness. So brave.

Since we can't all have the body shape of Jessica Rabbit, and even she says, "I'm not bad- I'm just drawn that way," I want to point out some things on this vessel that is hauling me around these days. 

*Farther down is a photo of my surgical area. Sensitive viewers beware*

There's a terrific book by David Shannon called Good Boy, Fergus! It's about a small white dog who is quite the stinker. Our kids loved it, both the story and the art. There's a page where Fergus is on his back, wiggling as he receives belly rubs, and his owner is asking, "aww, does that feel good? Itchy-bo-bo-scratchety man!" 
We've said that a lot around here over the years just like "itchy, itchy Ichabod" so it's been fitting as I squirm around trying to get lotion on my itchy patches. I think they're slowly improving, maybe? You can clearly see how the adhesive had tormented me:

The blue-black section is still dye that will work its way out. We are getting there. The dermatape or whatever it's called is starting to come away from my skin and supposedly will flake off over a period of weeks. The skin from the inside of my upper arm is still getting stuck in it and pulling a little, but it is happening somewhat less.

As you can see down a little lower, NO DRAIN! Woohoo! That's what the scab is from in the middle of the itchiest red patch. My plastics doc felt that output had slowed enough that he could remove it and he bandaged me up. So nice to be tentacle-free, man. Hooray. He said it may seep a bit and that's okay, but it seems to have scabbed over for now. Next week my surgeon will check it during her follow up. He also prescribed something for the itchy reaction that he agreed is most likely from the surgery prep soap(s). He sympathized and said sometimes people do have a sensitivity. Haha. Yeah. That'd be me. I'm not sure the meds are helping. I was getting a little worried yesterday because the lower half of my face felt like it was a little puffy after I took it so I thought maybe I better lay off it, but my face still feels like that and I haven't had any today. I think it's just generalized aggravation. It's not as much of an all-consuming itch today, thank goodness. And I'm drinking lots to flush things along. Ha.

Farther down, you can see a shadowy line which does indeed indicate back fat. I am keeping this real, people. I am middle aged and even though some of you have thought of me as "that skinny girl" for decades, I, too, have areas I'd kinda sorta like to work on but not really because of the work involved. Haha! Just staying honest. I don't want anybody looking at this body and getting any ideas about perfection. 😏Not even close. 
That said, I AM proud of my leg muscles, but that's a different story. Dada DID take me on our usual 3.2 mile walk today with no problems, so I'm gettin' back in the saddle and working on building things back up. As my nurse Lisa reminded me, I'm using everything to heal my surgical site so I have to remember to add in extra calories.
Time for ice cream! Cheers!

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