Monday, September 30, 2024

See you in September...

 Tomorrow kicks off Pinktober (breast cancer awareness month, and don't think it has escaped our notice around here, heh) and Inktober in case you want the official rules. We made it into autumn, people! Not to tip anybody into a complete panic or anything, but we have Trick or Treat, a fairly major election, Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up. I suppose I should start thinking about shopping. My mother is probably already done. Way to go, Mommeeee!

In the meantime, I'd love for y'all to try Inktober with me. Once I find my sketchbook, since I probably haven't done more than a squiggle or two, I will attempt the daily prompts and post them here. Don't hold your breath for them to appear in a daily post; there is a reason Mommeee says I am the least competitive person she knows. Remember that it's for fun, not pressure, so doodle on a napkin somewhere and you don't have to go in order and just enjoy getting the creative juices flowing. You might make something hilarious that you know someone would love! In that case, feel free to give it with boldness to the recipient, who can then post/mount/display it with pride because someone who cared about them took a risk and thought about them! Everybody wins. Be brave!

And here's another PSA- go get your parts checked. Heavens, especially if wherever you work supports that, take advantage of the points or the system or whatever. Go see your doctor and be honest with them about what's working well and what's working not so well. If they don't listen to you, it's okay for you to try a different doctor. Just because you've gone to the same person forever doesn't mean you have to. Find your tribe, add them in, and with diligence you'll both find out early if anything is going wrong with you. Men, this goes for you, as well. Yes, it can be awkward. Go anyway. Your doc can turn into a trusted friend. Tell the truth. Make them earn their money- you had to wait for their time for your appointment. Be real. 

If anyone's not seen this refrigerator magnet before, it's partly to credit with me finding this round of cancer. You can click on it to enlarge it. The dimple part was what caught my eye and then I noticed the lump underneath it.

Know your body so that when something changes, you notice. A cousin would also like me to remind you to get checked for skin cancer. It doesn't take very long to do and the peace of mind of being declared free or getting samples sent off is worth it. Again, we're aiming for early detection because that brings better results. If you feel crummy, don't wait! Be your own advocate. Trust me, going forward, I'm going to be vocal about my allergy to chloraprep! I'd not go through the intense itching again if I don't have to! 
Take good care of you, grab your doodling pen, and I'll see you in October!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I just got a notebook for Inktober! I've only done it once but I really want to complete it again, it was so fun!