Thursday, October 17, 2024

Annnnd the news we've all been waiting for..., I'm not pregnant. Ha! Oh, not that news. Right.

I'll get my port in next week! Once again I get to scrub a dub dub with the sudsy pre-surgical soap, go under anesthesia, wake up for a chest Xray and be sent on my way as a bionic person. I wonder what the ratio of people going into the hospital to get rid of things versus have things added or replaced turns out to be. Hmmm. A port has to be one of the best inventions ever. My left arm is going to be SO relieved to not have to offer up veins for months on end. 

The next day I have a follow up with the plastics doc to see how my incision is healing, as well as a PT appointment for measurements to make sure there's no lymphedema sneaking up on me and perhaps they'll give me exercises to continue building back my arm muscles. Apparently October is another of my go-visit-doctors months! Because THEN...

Chemo starts the last week of this month! Woohoo! 

Now you all think I'm nuts. Who woohoos over chemo starting? Once it's started, it's closer to being finished. I'd rather get as much done while the weather is cooperative. Last time I did it in the summer and while I'm still a bit salty about "losing" a summer, at least I didn't have to worry about icy driving. Oh well. It is what it is. I'm very much hoping to be done with the Adriamycin/Cyclophosphamide cycle before Christmas. So I guess now the prayer becomes that it please not kick my butt and that I stay healthy during the roughest months of the year to stay healthy, haha! I'll just take a page from Harry Potter and sadly resign myself to repeating, "I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I don't exist."

Maybe then I'll catch up on my Inktober doodles!

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