Friday, October 04, 2024

The latest intel from the doc

 Sheesh. Day 4 of October and I'm already behind in the Inktober stuff. This surprises exactly nobody who knows me. Oh well. I'll get there.

Yesterday was my surgical follow up appointment. Dr A said the incision looks good, no sign of infection, start moving my arm around 90 degrees and further, gently. She was pleased the surgical drain had been removed. I'm allowed to ease back into exercise but shouldn't pick up where I left off, which is always good advice, and she doesn't need to see me for 6 months!

Regretfully, she still didn't have pathology results to share with me, reiterating that it's been taking 3-4 weeks to get them. Well, two weeks down. Thank you to all of you who are praying for peace for me- it is working. I FEEL like I should be a nervous wreck over not knowing, but I AM not, so I know they're working! She will call me with results AND she will take them to the tumor board so they can discuss what the best plan moving forward would be. Sorry if y'all were waiting for a more definitive answer than that, but the good news is I'm mending well! She said she was pleased at how well I was doing. 

I'm allowed to wear my rings again, we're allowed to trim up the meshy adhesive dressing that flakes away on its own which is a huge relief as it's rubbing and irritating and pulling away even as it's trapping BO and isn't supposed to be scrubbed at. Gah. Did not want my super power to be STINK. Ick. Beware my right armpit!

I'm also allowed to drive so long as nothing is hitching or catching or hurting, so I suppose I'll start with easy jaunts and go from there. She wants to be sure I'd have normal reflexes if needed, which is only fair and wise. 

So we wait some more as I get back into the swing of things. The area is a bit tender but there's not really pain. Getting it 90 degrees is still tough but it'll get there. Soon I won't be making faces whenever I get my arm into a shirt, haha. 

Thanks for all the support, you guys. I am one blessed soul! Have a terrific weekend and be safe in your adventures!

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