Monday, October 14, 2024

Waxing philosophically about pathology results and impending nuttiness

 Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs. 

Just kidding. I know what I need to blog about. I just dontwanna. 

Short version, think "The Princess Bride" where Prince Humperdinck tells the priest, "SKIP to the END," I need chemo. Again.

Longer version: my surgeon, Dr A, removed 16 lymph nodes during her two parts of my surgery. The first 4 were not true sentinels, as those had been taken out during my mastectomy surgery. The other 12 from the second part of her surgery were all clear, so hooray for that! Yay!

Of those 4 closest to the tumor, 2 of those wiseguys had picked up some cancer in their cleanup duties. Guess I should have had it marked "NO TOUCHIE" a little better, but they handled it regardless and got contaminated. 

Once the pathology came back, Dr A took the results to the tumor board that meets Thursday evenings. I had prayed that there would be a clear consensus of YES, chemo is needed or NO, chemo is not needed. I did not want the board to be split down the middle and then be asked, "what do YOU think?" I hate making medical decisions. I don't have a degree in any of that stuff! Just tell me what to do!

Fortunately, they agreed that chemo would be the way to go. Now I'm waiting for the Powers That Be to schedule my port surgery, this time on my left side, and then I can begin chemo the next day. I suppose there will be pre-op bloodwork before that, so here is the sarcastic yaaaaaaaaaay

Because I am no longer Triple Positive (I am estrogen positive, progesterone positive, and Her2neu negative for those new to the blog or who have lost track, and who could blame you?) I will need a different chemo cocktail than the first time around. That time I had Carboplatin and Taxotere as my chemo drugs and Herceptin and Perjeta as my hormone therapy drugs. This time it'll be Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide (which I will never be able to spell without looking it up) every two weeks until I've done it four cycles. Then there's probably a break in there of about two weeks before I start Taxol weekly for 12 weeks. Then it'll be on to the hormone therapy, however that looks, but I seem to remember it'll be in pill form.

I shall be bald by Thanksgiving and hopefully done with the AC combo by Christmas providing I tolerate it well and don't get sick and wreck the schedule. I'm going in confident because it'll be the same team who did my chemo the first time and they are excellent at setting patients up for success in anticipating which side effects hit when. For instance, they know "these three days you will have the worst nausea so take these drugs these days, then this day the bone pain will set in so take this one," and so on. They equip you with a great bag of tricks. Plus, I know to drink TONS, rest when I can, stay positive, and all that. 


My goodness, I don't want to relearn that lesson. No breathing fire, thanks. Mouth sores are a possibility so it'll be time to restart the baking soda rinses and all that jazz as well. I have wonderful lotions to help my skin stay hydrated, plenty of lip balm... and I'll need a box for all my hair products, haha. Oh well. Hair In His Face is welcome to them, though he is such a minimalist he'll never touch them. 

More than anything, right this second, what I want is for the doctor's office to call so I can schedule what needs scheduled so we can plan around it all. I have Stuff To Do! So. Much. Waiting. I'm still no good at it.

Guess I'll have time to catch up on my reading list. I am only 13 books behind my goal for the year. *sigh*

A friend asked how my heart was. Heart is fine because I know this will all be okay. I'm stronger going into this than I was the first time around and that all went fine. I know whose I am, who's got my back, who is cheering me on from afar, and so on. Heart is pretty peaceful, actually. 

It's brain that would like to schedule a freak out session, preferably in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping: 

What if I don't tolerate these meds? What if I'm vomiting or pooping ALL THE TIME? (Then the docs will adjust doses and/or meds and it'll get fixed and be fine.)

What if they affect my heart? I've already had a year of Herceptin and that had potential for heart damage. Yes, I KNOW the last echo test was fine. That was then. (They'll be keeping track of heart stuff, as well, scheduling more echos to keep an eye on things. It'll be fine.)

What if my hair never grows back? It didn't come back the same this time, and eyebrows and eyelashes hardly came back at all. (Meh. Then you have a super easy beauty regimen for the rest of forever. Don't sweat it. There are wigs. There are falsies. There are eyebrow pencils. Do you REALLY care? No. It'll be fine.)

What if I miss an entire year of subbing? (Ugh, okay, I'm with you on this one. I miss my small friends and my peer friends, a lot. I also don't want their germs, which are legion. Then you miss a year, I guess, but they haven't forgotten you as evidenced by your text streams and visits and care packages. They know you love them, too. And you might be back to yourself by springtime! It will be okay.)

I can't believe I'm putting my family through this again. (They are also in good hands with a good tribe at their back. Again, your team knows what they're doing. It will all be okay. Not great sometimes, but okay. You can keep talking about it to make sure THEY are okay, too.)

What if it spreads elsewhere? (Good grief, brain, shut it! *sigh* Okay, if it spreads elsewhere then your team will deal with that as well! Go to sleep!)

And a radiation consult? Potentially proton therapy? What is up with that?! (That is another post altogether when we have some facts.)

But what if...?

And so it goes. 

But that's life, right? There's no stopping the world to get off for a minute to reorient yourself. Y'just gotta take another breath. Take another step. Write another thank you note. Pray for someone else. Text another friend. Have another cup of coffee Go drink some more water. Eat some ice cream. Go for a walk. Make a grocery list cuz God knows nobody else around here adds anything to it. Read a book. Take another breath. Drink some more water. Give yourself permission to take a nap. Phone a friend and ruin their day because SOMEONE CALLED THEM, haha. Tell people you love them. And breathe again.

Wash, rinse, repeat. 

Enjoy the bubbles.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Tis the season

 No, not THAT season. The season of spooky Shenanigans!

Apparently I can't read. I bought the above legwear thinking they were all socks and we could mix and match them and share the fun... nope, two pairs are tights and only one is socks. Alas. More for me!

Good thing I also got the suspenders, below:

The skeleton fun continues.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

My children are hilarious

It’s a good thing that I A) don’t scare easily and B) laugh instead of scream when I do scare, because look who was waiting in my spot in the Old Lady Room when I flipped the light on at 5:30 this morning! I have two words.


Tuesday, October 08, 2024

More #Inktober


#Inktober 2024

 So I’m only a week behind in October. The 10/2 prompt was Discover. Gotta go catch up!

Friday, October 04, 2024

The latest intel from the doc

 Sheesh. Day 4 of October and I'm already behind in the Inktober stuff. This surprises exactly nobody who knows me. Oh well. I'll get there.

Yesterday was my surgical follow up appointment. Dr A said the incision looks good, no sign of infection, start moving my arm around 90 degrees and further, gently. She was pleased the surgical drain had been removed. I'm allowed to ease back into exercise but shouldn't pick up where I left off, which is always good advice, and she doesn't need to see me for 6 months!

Regretfully, she still didn't have pathology results to share with me, reiterating that it's been taking 3-4 weeks to get them. Well, two weeks down. Thank you to all of you who are praying for peace for me- it is working. I FEEL like I should be a nervous wreck over not knowing, but I AM not, so I know they're working! She will call me with results AND she will take them to the tumor board so they can discuss what the best plan moving forward would be. Sorry if y'all were waiting for a more definitive answer than that, but the good news is I'm mending well! She said she was pleased at how well I was doing. 

I'm allowed to wear my rings again, we're allowed to trim up the meshy adhesive dressing that flakes away on its own which is a huge relief as it's rubbing and irritating and pulling away even as it's trapping BO and isn't supposed to be scrubbed at. Gah. Did not want my super power to be STINK. Ick. Beware my right armpit!

I'm also allowed to drive so long as nothing is hitching or catching or hurting, so I suppose I'll start with easy jaunts and go from there. She wants to be sure I'd have normal reflexes if needed, which is only fair and wise. 

So we wait some more as I get back into the swing of things. The area is a bit tender but there's not really pain. Getting it 90 degrees is still tough but it'll get there. Soon I won't be making faces whenever I get my arm into a shirt, haha. 

Thanks for all the support, you guys. I am one blessed soul! Have a terrific weekend and be safe in your adventures!

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The gift that keeps on giving


Okay, I got this book for Christmas in…. *sigh* … 2009? 

 Theoretically I should be long done with it. My story, and I’m sticking to it, is that this book periodically goes into hiding. A kid rediscovers it and attempts to get me back on track. I’ll do well for awhile… and then we will need to clear off the kitchen table, it will get shelved, and forgotten.

Well, today my ACTUAL sketchbook is in hiding so as I dashed out the door I unearthed this so I could do an #Inktober prompt. Today’s was “backpack”: