Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Late, as usual

Sorry about the delay. Something w/ the pictures was screwy yesterday, but they're up now! It's been so nice to have Dada home for 3 weeks. He's even in some pictures! Amazing.

Grandma Barb comes today to visit for awhile. Gonna take her to the library and the farm market tomorrow. She and Carrie can keep each other busy. Hehe!

Carrie was going on & on today & I said, "whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?" and she tells me, "I'm not a Willis!" Eh, too bad. I say that a lot! Things I also say a lot:
Doesn't hurt to want ~Dada
Turn it off ~Grandma Barb
Girls who have temper tantrums do not get their way ~all mine, baby, all mine!

Hope everyone is doing well. Weather here has been super hot during the day and mighty chilly at night. I think it's really high 50's at night, but for me, that's mighty chilly! =)

Three months until the Christmas party ~ Dec. 8-10. Get it on those calendars! A full house would be SUCH fun! Have a great Full Moon (tomorrow) and a fun rest of the week!

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