Monday, March 12, 2007


Okay, all y'all, time to help out a young, handsome, talented soon-to-be star! That would be Rob, Scott's younger brother. He's a great singer! Please join the fun! Here's the info you need to know:

Campus Super Star is a Pittsburgh college wide, American idol style, competition. It started with over 100 singers, the semi-finals was 25, and now the finals are the top 10. The Audience will chose the winners! 1st place gets $5000, 2nd and 3rd get $1000 each! Since it is audience vote for the winner, I need as many people as possible to help me out.
When: Thursday March 29 7pm
Where: Carnegie Music Hall (Oakland)
money?: If you have a student ID it is free, if not, send me an email and I'll get you a free ticket. (without that ticket there is a fee at the door)
Why: HELP ROB WIN $5000!!!!

It should be an entertaining evening as they are hiring a stage band to back up the 10 singers, and we are going to prepare a group number (a la american idol). My email if you need it is THANKS!!!!!

And in other news, Manoj's family needs more prayers for his mom, Suzie. The doctors apparently are not optimistic about her longterm state. I know, and so do lots of the rest of you, that this is an opportunity for us to help God show them they're wrong. He can heal her completely and amazingly. That's what a lot of us are praying for. She had major heart surgery and has been more responsive than the doctors seem to want to admit. Please lift up their family and Suzie especially for incredible, "impossible" healing! I know this can happen. I'm excited to be a part of it, however small. Please help bless her. Thanks tons!

In kid news, Liam is over his ear infections and got a clean bill of health from Dr. Jon today. Carrie still has one slight ear infection, so Dr. Jon switched meds for her and that should kick it completely. Grandmama has been a huge help this week and we're enjoying all the fun an extra set of hands can bring! The sunshine outside has been helping too. Have a great week, everyone! =)

1 comment:

Val said...

Oh blast. I swear. This computer. Anyway, if you want his email, let me know! =/