Thursday, May 14, 2009

Any number of things...

There are any number of things I could title this, but I'm going to save the fun words for the labels, since some of you apparently get such a kick out of that. *cough JEN* ;)

Yesterday we had our sweet neighbor Jeannine over for pizza for a multitude of reasons. We enjoy her company, her hubby's out of town, she watched the kids on Mother's Day, people have to eat dinner, etc. The kids scarfed through their pizza and started to run around. Then they played upstairs and gave a wonderful demonstration of what sounded like body slamming in the bedrooms above our heads. Our guest commented with a mix of apprehension and glee that, "it sounds like they're going to crash right through the ceiling!" Pretty close.

Once she shut the door behind her on her way home, the kids magically reappear on the landing wearing nothing at all. Not a single stitch of clothing. Not even socks. They asked, "where's Jeannine!?" and we mentioned that she had to go home. Then they announced, "we're playing bum tag. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Then they proceed to bump their naked bums together like athletes bump chests after a particularly spectacular play. Bum tag. Now I HAVE seen everything. Thankfully, dear Internet, you will be spared from seeing it as well. I have to draw the line somewhere. I figure the mental images y'all have will do quite nicely. ;)


JC said...

OMG - I am so glad your dear friend left before that sight. I can only imagine the look on her face. hehe! I can't stop giggling at the thought of them!

The Gombas Clan said...

We should probably supervise our kids closely this weekend, huh? Hahahaha!

wendyneric said...

WAHOOOOOOO!!! I'm so glad that we're not the only ones!!!!! :) :) :)

Columbia said...

I thought it odd that there was no image for this post, then I read the post, then I understood the decision to post image-less. OMG! :D

Annmarie said...

LOL! Oh my, it's been a tiring day here and that post just literally made me laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing! =)