Thursday, July 02, 2009

Care Bear stats

I know, I know. I'm behind once again. I do have more to post, but since I'm already getting barraged with craziness from Carrie, I'll just give you her 6 year old physical stats:

She's 37 pounds. She's 44 and a half inches tall. She asked Dr. Jon when she could ride in the car with no car seat and he had the hardest time keeping a straight face as he told her, "Well, Carrie, you're what we call petite. Now, the law says, the law says, you have to be four years old and forty pounds. You're not there yet. And then the recommendation is to be in a booster seat until you're eight. But the law says you have to be in a car seat until you're 4 years old and forty pounds."

She interjects, "but I ride the school bus and there are no seat belts on the bus."

Poor guy. He starts, stops himself, and starts again with a laugh, "Carrie, Ohio is backwards."

Then he told her she'd need a shot and she wasn't pleased. But nurse Kim is awesome, stabbed her fast with her first Hep A round (the next one happens anytime after 6 months from now and within a year) and did her up with a Daffy Duck bandaid. Add lollipop and life goes on...

1 comment:

Columbia said...

Tell Carrie she's lucky. In NY, you have to be 22, and at least 145 pounds.

...I rode in that car seat all through college. :(