Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Has Alexander left yet?

The quote board is almost full, but not quite enough yet for today's post to be that. But soon, I promise! Today I'm just checking in to see if Alexander is still around, or if he's already on that plane to Australia.

This morning Thing One had a grand mal tantrum over wearing a coat (it was 37 degrees) versus her jacket. She even had to be threatened with the wooden spoon. It wasn't used, but that was probably because we HAD to leave for the bus, or it would have been a pretty darn sure thing.

Thing Two was dropped off at preschool without incident, and cheerfully announced the split second he got into the door, "tomorrow's the pumpkin patch day!" His teacher was impressed and I got away without incident.

At moms' group, all was quiet for the entire first hour. Then the baby decided to nurse and poop at the same time, which would normally be fine. However, today he wasn't wearing a onesie, and first I felt warmth, then wetness, as the poop escapes up the back of his diaper and all over my blue jeaned lap. Once I change him, mop myself off the best I can with sensitive skin wipes, and clean up the mess, I pick him up to burp him and he blorps right into my scarf. Lovely.

Excuse me while I go polish off the pan of brownies we enjoyed at moms' group...

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Wow...I can't wait for those types of baby issues to happen to me. Only 17 more weeks :)