Saturday, February 03, 2018

The Bosley Chronicles, episode 2

Such a sweet, innocent face, right? Two of the most endearing traits this dog possesses are the brown, dotty eyebrows I find completely irresistible and the "who me" face.  I mean, how could something this hilariously adorable possibly cause Shenanigans (yes, indeed, with a capital S)?

I'll tell you.

We knew he was big into shoelaces, having chewed almost through a pair of Damon's, a house guest's, and the ends of some others. We knew he likes paper as he regularly steals from the box of to-be-used-as-firestarting-material. We have caught him redhanded with slippers in his mouth. He has a special fondness for socks, some of which has been encouraged by us as we've tied together mismatched socks as a tug-of-war toy. 

Until recently, it's just possessions which have been left on the floor that we've had to safeguard. In some respects, that's just fine as it teaches the kids to pick up after themselves and not leave their lives strewn everywhere if they don't want their sparring bags and equipment gnawed to pieces. 

However, he's now tall enough to peruse the holdings upon the coffee table. This includes tax bills. And, alas, library books:

Sweet Dada found another copy on Amazon and I did the walk of shame to the library, performed my lament, replaced the book and brought the gnawed one home. Dada looked it over and said, "they didn't mark anywhere on here that it's no longer theirs?" My first thought: we hold these truths to be self-evident...

I had already done another walk of shame into the tax office where I endured a much warmer reception that I'd gotten from the librarian. In fact, there were delighted giggles when I sadly informed the ladies, "I'm 42 years old and, for the first time, can honestly claim 'my dog ate it'..." There was general merriment, inquiries as to what kind of puppy ("some dumb shepherd/hound mix"), and a story about their boss's son's Great Dane who devoured said boss's shoes and then refused to allow the delivery person access to drop off the replacements she'd bought. 

Plus, he's a grade-A Photobomber: 

Still, he is pretty cute, and he is not quite 8 months old yet, so I guess I should give him some slack. And find his Kong.

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