Monday, March 11, 2019

Now what?

Well, it was a close thing, but we survived "Spring Break". That's in quotes because we had three days of wind measurements higher than temperatures (and they were none too high, though mostly double digits, thank goodness) so I couldn't even boot the kids outside. Spring Break when it is still officially winter is baloney in my book, but since I don't run the world I guess we'll just have to deal. 

So here's how we deal. I order seeds. Lots of seeds, or as Carrie told Aunt Chris forever ago, "yotsa" seeds. If you click on the pictures you can see everything larger. I picked out multiple kinds of tomatoes, sugar snap peas, herbs like cilantro, basil, sage, and creeping thyme, some corn (Dada laughed at me), many flowers such as borage, zinnia, non-culinary sages, and marigolds. Now all I have to do is the Herculean task of cleaning off the bar so we can get seeds in trays and under grow lights. Nooooo problem... 

And I baked. These are Kamish of the Mandelbrot tribe. In other words, yummy almond bread that is crispy like biscotti. I'm trying very hard to not eat them all myself.

We played Settlers of Catan. Those of you who have played this are probably noticing that we have the expansion set going also. And some stray Legos. And a blank spot we named Oz which would yield whatever the person camping around it most needed. Needless to say the boys set up camp around Oz mighty quick!

There was even a Carrie sighting or two! I like this one as it looks like the kraken plant behind her is gonna get her!

Dada made pancakes for Fat Tuesday and then we had them again last weekend. Never enough pancakes, teehee!

And there were some naps. This is Damon in what I call my Cookie Monster blanket, sacked out in the big chair. 

There will be more photos because {unbelievably} the big kids are testing for their second degree black belts this spring. Test one is done, they all passed, photos eventually!

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