Friday, August 23, 2019

First and second day of school

It's that time of year again. The time when teenagers everywhere protest that their bodies do better staying up late and sleeping in than getting up at the buttcrack of dawn to then sleep through their first several sessions of class. They're not wrong, but I don't rule the world, so go get on that bus and rock your day. This is actually day two for the boys. They weren't thrilled that their sister did not have to go the first day, but the administration decided to let the freshman tackle their first day in relative peace without upperclassmen breathing down their throats. We'll see if the policy sticks, but she wasn't complaining. 

So I took her to the vet to get her shots.

Just kidding. She DID accompany me to the vet, but it was for Bosley's check up and shots, not hers. Our vet, whom we adore, confirmed what we already knew: he's adorable. We joke regularly that he will be remembered in our list of dogs as "the cute, stupid one."

And they're off. It's Nic's junior year, Liam is in 8th grade, and Damon came home to report that his fourth grade team covered him in awesomeness. This year he'll start switching classes, and he is SO excited.

As I edited this, "fourth grade pass" came up in my labels, so consider this your PSA: sign your fourth grader up (google Every Kid in a Park) for their free pass so you can explore for free this year! You're welcome!

Happy back to school, everyone!

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