Thursday, May 21, 2020

Here at the end of all things

Not quite. We are more, "and miles to go before I sleep" than Frodo and Sam making it to Mount Doom, but we are chipping away.

I'm done with my Nerlynx prescription, wahoo! Apparently I can't count, and ended up with one last lonesome pill (my dose was three of them daily) as a stray. I guess it just wanted to ease my Tamoxifen and allergy meds into doing without the Nerlynx, ha. So that's a year done. I've been on Tamoxifen for going on 15 months now, so far, so good. 

I feel like for every kid's assignment we cross off, two more take its place. I know that's not really happening, but I am just about done with the kids doin 75-95% of the work and then having to backtrack through weeks of assignments to find the links or the directions or the passwords, etc. You finished it, right? Is your name on it? Did you hit "submit"? Did you click "turn in"? THIS WAS FROM LAST MONTH! Can we please just be done!?

This was the last week they were to receive new assignments, so as of next Friday at noon we are done one way or another. Please pray that we finish strong. 

(Envision a skeleton crawling pitifully, painfully, despairingly across the desert sands. That'd be me. Except it's been raining for days, even on days the weather channel says it won't be raining. This is the lushest desert you've ever seen.)

Send rum.

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