Monday, November 16, 2020

How does YOUR belly button smell?

 I feel like I may have already talked about this, and I also feel like it should have a may-not-be-suitable-for-adults rating, but my mother is a fan especially of parenting tales, so here goes.

Thing 3, who is ten years old (so tuck that away for future reference), was goofing around at the dinner table. He's developed a habit of holding on to his feet and then smelling his hands, especially while watching TV. Naturally, we correct him when he's doing this and yes, my mind also immediately went to the SNL skit with Mary Katherine Gallagher putting her hands in her armpits when she's nervous and then sniffing them. I keep telling this kid that they're not going to smell any different from the last five minutes (or five times he's tried it). He begs to differ. I don't want to know.

Anyway, he informed our dinner table, "did you know that when you stick your finger in your belly button and smoosh it around and smell it that it smells like poop?"

Some of us at the table thanked our lucky stars that we didn't have company and considered moving to the Yukon. Or Dubai. Or anywhere other than with present company. 

Another of us, who shall remain nameless, thought about it for a moment, checked their own belly button, and then stated, "I have to disagree with that."

So Mom, aren't you so glad you asked?

Please, all of you, send us better conversation topics than "what does your belly button smell like?" Send help!

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