Sunday, January 31, 2021

February made me shiver...

 I know you all know that line from "American Pie." What Don McLean forgot to add was, "January said, 'hold my beer.'" 

Sheesh. I thought it was March that forgets it's supposed to go out like a lamb and sometimes goes out like a lion. I don't know about y'all, but we got around 6" total. There was a good 3.5" this morning when I went out the first time and then with what still came down in addition to the ridiculous East wind, we had to redo a good bit of it. Of course that means looking over to see the Damonater on his back in the middle of the driveway, making snow angels, again. Then looking up later to see him armed with a snowball launcher we found at goodwill. Or seeing Liam stroll out of the house, ice cream scoop in hand, sculpting the perfect snowball. I kid you not. Damon did help me start a snow... creation. She has a big hoop style skirt and a rather stout torso, stick arms, and no head. We may get around to finishing her but we may not. In the meantime, it's "art."

As of 10:06 pm tonight, I've slain 1,107 calories and 130 exercise minutes, woohoo! Time to hop in my warm, cozy bed. Sleep tight, everybody, and stay safe and warm!

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