Thursday, June 27, 2024

My favorite kind of Rundown

Apologies that I skipped graduation posts and dove headfirst into vacation ones. It's how my brain works- never a straight line or a dull moment.
The Rundown Cafe is one of my favorite places to eat on the beach. Their Rundown Chowder isn't only a must try- it's a "must consume a bowl at every visit." Wish they'd come up north and make vats of it to get me through the winter. Their fish tacos are never less than excellent. Thing Three devours the black beans, Thing Two loves the fries, and Thing One goes to cause trouble. Just kidding.

Yes, that's the ocean in the background. You can also dine inside, but some of us love being in the sun on the upper deck (the rest of us go along grudgingly and hope to find a seat with the sun behind us). 
The Rundown is a stroll across the street from the Kitty Hawk Hilton. You can drool over their menu here but I claim no responsibility for any sudden urge you feel to run away to the beach!


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