Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Now that both kids are down for naps, I can don my hoodie and descend to the Dungeon to blog Liam's stats from today's Dr's appt. (It's cold in our basement! But it's 73 up on the main floor thanks to the sun today.)

Here we go. He weighed in at 15 lbs, 9 oz and was 26 inches long with a head circumference of 16 and a 1/2 inches. To give you some perspective, he's 4 months old. At Care Bear's 8 month appointment (can't even remember where we were living for that one...) she was 28" long and weighed 15 lbs and 4 oz. Hahahahahhaa!

He also got 3 shots and was a trooper. He cried, but then he was over it and wasn't even mad at the nurse afterwards. Maybe the Tylenol we gave him beforehand kicked in just then ;) Carrie helped with the bandaids. And she got to sit on Dr. Jon's lap and talked to him about getting a puppy. Then she wowed the nursing staff by informing them that she was 2 and a half, that she was gonna be three, and that her birthday is May 8. Not shy, that one.

Dr. Jon was very pleased. He said we could even start solids now if we wanted to, but I am pretty sure we'll hold off until the 6 month mark. We agreed, "why mess with a good thing?" since he's happy and healthy and sleeping great. So that's that! All is quiet here. For now ;)

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