Thursday, November 30, 2006

*ominous music* Dum dum DUMMMMM

Just kidding. Wahooooo! The last of the Colorado pictures! Only two and a half months later =P Bah. Anyway, hope this cheers up those of you who are homesick for blue skies and Rocky Mountains *cough LISA cough cough* Hehe! No, seriously, hope you all enjoy them. I took lots more than this but posted the best and am hoping nobody will get bored. Yes, they feature Liam because he was there and Care Bear wasn't. And the first two pictures are from this week, not the trip.

Happy last few hours of November. YIKES I have a lot to do before the party next weekend! Hope to see lots of you! May each and every one of you have a blessed Advent and a greed/ gimme-free Christmas season. Especially those of us/you with young children. Heh!

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