Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cinco de Mayo and other tales

Journeys with Geoffrey part two: we took Geoffrey to the zoo! Here he is, surveying his own kind. If you look to the right, there are 2 giraffes in the distance. =)
And lo and behold, while we were at the zoo, we spotted the incredibly rarest and cutest of creatures: a Bing!
Then we went to see the monkeys. Whoops! That's a Care Bear, a Ninasaurus, and a Liam the Destroyer... my bad...
THERE'S the monkey. The gorillas were more animated than we'd ever caught them before. This one got quite close and that's Carrie. Hard to say who was having a better time watching whom...
There were fun Cinco de Mayo dancers celebrating too. They kept the kids occupied while we ate our lunch. We enjoyed seeing their flowy, flowery skirts and the fancy sombreros. Of course, they all turned out to be a centimeter tall when I took their picture, so I'll just leave it to your imaginations. =)
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1 comment:

Annmarie said...

Adorable pics! You and I have the same style of posting - here's a bunch of pics, see you again in a few weeks! ;) Hope everyone is doing well, and summer comes soon! =)