Thursday, July 08, 2010

Sights around the homestead

Yes, that's our rose of sharon plant which needs a V8...


And the fruits & veggies of our labors. Hehe. The cucumbers are taking over the fence.


Yes, we even have tomatoes growing in the FRONT flower beds. Eep. There were tomato seeds in the compost we used. Who knew? =D So here's Care Bear, making sure they all get drinks from the water Dada collects from the drainspouts. She takes her job very seriously.


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Columbia said...

"...from the water Dada collects from the drainspouts."

I'm impressed!! VERY green of you. That leaves me just green with envy. :-\

Val said...

Haha. Thus far we've been to cheap to buy a rainbarrel. We just put to use every stray container that was taking up room in the garage. Gotta make 'em work for their living, right? ;)