Friday, June 21, 2019

Day Two in Bogota

Phooey, technology strikes again. These are all out of order. Bummer. 

I had the privilege of wandering through the Museo de Oro, the Gold Museum, on two separate days. The first time was with a friend and some of her family, including two children. The whole time I was thinking, "ohhh, the guys (Dada and his coworkers) and Pap Pap would love this!" The displays were spread out over three floors and discussed the various ways the gold was molded and formed and repaired and all kinds of aspects to which I'd never given a moment's thought. I was blown away by the detail and intricacy involved, especially when I factored in how good their eyesight and how primitive their tools would have been. If you're ever in Bogota, it is a must see. Absolutely fascinating. 

Remember, click on the pictures if you'd like to see them larger. Hopefully you can even read some of the captions.

Oops. That one was the same day, but obviously isn't in the museum. I heard its name but didn't write it down and therefore it is lost to me, but it had been the largest building in Bogota for awhile and it has a neat light changing display.

Back to the gold:

Above is the legend of El Dorado and the picture is of that golden raft (second photo from the top). It is quite famous. I wonder how long it took to craft and how many temper tantrums I'd have had if I was the one creating it...

This next picture doesn't do it justice at all, but the display was a circular room with a fishtank feel; that glass window went almost the whole way around. Different sections would be highlighted and lit at different times while chants and music were played simultaneously. The objects ranged from the larger medallion-ish things you can see to small earrings and other tiny items. There was also a cutout section of the floor with multiple layers of gold objects in glass, mirrored from the bottom. 

And once again, I'm eating. This was tea and toast and eggs one evening. I promise I did eat with other people throughout the trip (and how!) and not only in my room!

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